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Where individuals and organizations align.

Wo-mentoring program improvements required.

Almost 80% of Fortune 500 Companies have mentoring programs. Benefits to mentees, mentors and organizations are well researched and documented for all to see. Yet, studies show that many women are still reluctant to help other women coming along professionally and in their workplaces. Why is that? What would make a difference? One important shift might include viewing opportunities for women as being more abundant and available, as opposed to being limited and hard to come by. Writer Margaret Morford talks about this phenomena in her recent article “3 Hurdles Women Put In the Way of Their Own Advancement.” “(V)ery few successful women reach down and help other women. I often see an attitude of ‘I had to claw my way to the top, so they should too,'” says Morford. What are you and your organization doing to help shift this perspective in women business and organization leaders? If you want to develop a sustainable, meaningful mentoring culture in your organization, paying attention to this dynamic is important.

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