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Where individuals and organizations align.


Many a sports fan will smile when I reference the passionate philosopher Allen Iverson and his 2002 monologue regarding “Practice.” Whether you agree Professor Iverson had a valid point and his failure to attend practice did not warrant being benched by the NBA’s 76’ers or rather you thought Iverson’s rant were the ravings of yet another spoiled franchise player, he raises an important point on how we as professionals and leaders approach our work. In reality, aren’t always practicing something? Our habits and routines, our most engrained reflex responses, are a direct result of what we practice. Shifting behavior, whether that means being more patient, more decisive, less defensive or better at managing deadlines, does not occur from reading articles, watching power points or even profound “aha” moments. It only occurs through intentional, repeated and unwavering practice. Our brains and neural pathways are both malleable and resistant to change- so for good or bad, what you practice over time you become. As a leader and professional, what are you practicing today?

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