Remember, listen before you lead.

Our success today as leaders requires that we listen and remember that listening to the viewpoints of our teams is what leads to actual success. Though subtle, many leaders often mouth the first mantra without truly anchoring on the second before engaging their teams in critical planning discussions and problem-solving. Research, as described in the attached article from the Harvard Business School, is clear that even where there are issues of real or perceived power, leaders that facilitate and lead from the mindset of truly incorporating the insights and input of their team members, outperform other leaders who approach their position from a more directive or power-based/expert mindset. Research shows this success is apparent not only in the intuitive realm of employee and team morale but also in terms of achieving innovation, preventing losses and much more.  If you were taught that being a good leader meant having all the right answers, hold that thought. Sometimes being a good, effective leader means getting out of your own way, creating opportunities for your team members’ voices to be heard and listening closely to the expertise in the team as a whole. Remembering that one simple thing the next time you brainstorm with your team- to remind yourself “I am in the presence of experts who have critical information for the success of this issue,”; this one simple act could make all the difference.

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