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Where individuals and organizations align.

Discovering the cost of conflict…

Recent studies show that managers and business leaders spend as much as 50% of their time dealing with conflict and interpersonal issues, especially during times of change or transition. Whether a team member needs help achieving personal or professional goals; communicating or problem-solving with team-members; or, refraining from conduct that is damaging or costly to the organization; an investment in either coaching or training in this area for an individual or a group is well worth the investment of time and resources. The cost of conflict is high for organizations both in terms of retention, lost productivity, lowered morale, loss of intellectual property, reduced decision-making quality, employee theft and much more. The Circle Center provides a cutting edge cost of conflict assessment tool for organizations. Contact the Circle Center if you are interested in learning about your organization’s “brand” when it comes to conflict and if the conflict costs you are incurring could pay to increase the conflict competency and culture at your organization.

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