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What does your voice "tell" about your confidence?

Young, rising professionals sometimes have a “tell” in their voice that communicates to the listener that the speaker is not quite as confident as they appear. Heard most often initially from women, there is a phenomena known as “up-speak” or “up-talk.” Psychology Today writer Hank Davis describes up-talk as “ the ever-growing tendency to end statements with upward inflections making them sound like questions. Like you’re not quite sure what you’re saying is true. Or clear…..To suggest that you’re willing to back down, or restate your point, or change your viewpoint altogether if your listeners don’t nod their approval.” Davis is echoing a sentiment observed worldwide and now from observed with more men rather than just young women. So what about you? Have you observed any changes in your own voice or posture, maybe when advancing a new idea or a opinion that runs contrary to your colleagues? Listen carefully to your own message- not just the words but how you speak them. Notice where your tone shifts and let those shifts be your guide to the places where you have a golden opportunity to cultivate more confidence.

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